Ogura T. Contrafreeloading with movie rewards in Japanese macaques. The 23rd Congress of the International Primatological Society (September 2010, Kyoto).
Ogura T. Management of behavioral abnormality in singly housed Japanese macaques by movie presentation. The 44th International Society of Applied Ethology Conference (August 2010, Uppsala, Sweden).
Ogura T. Contrafreeloading for a movie reward in Japanese macaques. International Symposium “HOPE-GM lectures on primate mind and society” (2010年3月, 京都).
Ogura T. The controllability over visual environment for single-caged Japanese macaques. International Conference on Environmental Enrichment 2009 (June 2009, Paignton, UK).
Ogura T, Tanaka M. Preferred contents of movies as an enrichment method for Japanese macaques. The 22nd Congress of the International Primatological Society (August 2008, Edinburgh, UK).
Ogura T. Preferred contents of movies as an enrichment method for Japanese macaques. The International Symposium on Comparative Cognitive Science 2008 – Primate origins of human mind – (2008年5月, 京都).